Through the Eyes – Caleb Mack, Final Run

Caleb Mack competed in and finished the 2015 Endeavor Team Challenge.

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How would you describe the final run?

A bundle of emotions.

What did your training look like to prepare for the run?

Not enough, I ran at low elevation on flat terrain about 25 miles a week, mixing in some tempo running.

How many hours of sleep did you get during the night? How were you feeling waking up and getting ready for the run?

I slept maybe an hour and a half the night before. To my surprise I felt amazing compared to how I felt when laying down at 4:30 the couple hours before. With every step the night before I could feel where the dirt and debris had worn holes in my socks making the balls of my feet raw. On the beginning of every stride was the heel strike that felt bruised beyond repair. Unbelievably when I woke up my feet felt ok and after getting the taped up they felt great, although I am sure that some of this had to do with hearing my favorite pump up music to wake me up! And to top it off, I was allowed to shed my back pack!!

What equipment did you run with? Did you bring equipment specifically for the final run?

I ran with my brick obviously (Editor’s note: competitors were required to carry a brick throughout the entire race in 2015). I brought a very small water bag that I was able to stretch enough to fit the brick in with the water. Being able to run with free hands and no weight at the end of my arms was a huge help.

Were there any unexpected challenges with the final run (either externally image3as part of the course or internally as mental or physical challenges)?

I knew the end was always near, and the crowd that was cheering at the water hazard. With this in mind, there was no struggle mentally, but physically is another story. I was not ready for the elevation climb to heaven and back down. The down hill just reminded me of how much my feet hurt.